Robotics and Computer–Integrated Manufacturing 70 (2021) 102124
Available online 25 January 2021
0736-5845/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Industrial Blockchain: A state-of-the-art Survey
Z. Li
, Ray Y. Zhong
, Z.G. Tian
, Hong-Ning Dai
, Ali Vatankhah Barenji
George Q. Huang
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, School of Electromechanical Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology,
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
HKU-ZIRI Lab for Physical Internet, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Faculty of Information Technology, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macao, China
H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
Industrial Blockchain
supply chain
literature review
As an underlying and backbone technology of Bitcoin, Blockchain attracted extensive attention worldwide in
recent years due to its unique characteristics of decentralization, openness, immutability, anonymity, etc., which
enables it to build a trust basis through recording the point-to-point decentralized transactions in an immutable
way via the attached timestamp, thereby improving system efciency and reducing the cost without relying on
the central agent. As it is considered to be a potentially revolutionary technology, Blockchain has been intro-
duced into various industrial elds including nance, supply chain, manufacturing, healthcare, energy, and
smart city. In this paper, we conduct a state-of-the-art survey of industrial Blockchain in terms of published
articles between 2017 and 2020, and worldwide Blockchain movement including North America, Europe, and
the Asia Pacic region so far. We conduct a statistic analysis of the collected articles in terms of three dimensions,
which are year of publication, leading research institutes and researchers, and article classication to present a
multi-dimensional trend or conclusion. Besides, we analyse articles that are cited over a certain number of times
in detail to investigate the hot research directions. Finally, the challenges, opportunities, and future perspectives
are discussed to summarize the main obstacles of industrial Blockchain and identify the open research questions
in the near future.
1. Introduction
Blockchain technology has grabbed global attention with the pros-
perity of Bitcoin, which was originally proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto
[1] in 2008. It is a new application paradigm of multiple computer
technologies including asymmetric encryption, distributed network,
peer-to-peer transmission, smart contract, and consensus mechanism,
etc. to create permanent, immutable, authorized and time-stamped re-
cords of transactions, which enables it to establish mutual trust at low
costs in an untrusted competitive environment without any third parties.
Although Blockchain was designed as the underlying technology of
cryptocurrency originally, the application potential of Blockchain is
already far beyond nance. Practitioners of many elds are exploring
the application scenarios of Blockchain in various sectors, and many
Blockchain application scenarios have been studied and researched such
as nance [2–4], supply chain [5–7], healthcare [8–10], energy
[11–13], manufacturing [14–16], and smart city [17–19]. Moreover,
many countries and regions have conducted researches and evaluations
on Blockchain. North America occupied the largest market share of
global Blockchain technology [20]. The U.S. and Canada have actively
regulated cryptocurrencies while encouraging Blockchain-based re-
searches and innovations. In Europe, the European Union has committed
to providing reliable data security and privacy for international business
by establishing a unied Blockchain service infrastructure. In the Asia
Pacic, Blockchain technology innovations are also encouraged in some
main countries. Also, there have been some Blockchain initiatives
worldwide so far, such as Enterprise Operation System (EOS), Hyper-
ledger, Corda. Blockchain is shifting the application paradigm and
operating rules of many industries through its unique trust-building
Although a large number of application scenarios based on Block-
chain technology had been conceived or proposed, and Blockchain
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G.Q. Huang).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
journal homepage:
Received 2 October 2019; Received in revised form 30 November 2020; Accepted 12 January 2021
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 70 (2021) 102124
seems to be a potentially revolutionary technology in the future, there
are still many challenges and limitations when putting Blockchain
technology into practice. The main aims of this paper are to investigate
recent Blockchain applications in industrial elds including nance,
supply chain, manufacturing, healthcare, energy, and smart city to
present a state-of-the-art of Blockchain. Besides, the worldwide Block-
chain movement including North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacic
region so far are also surveyed to identify the current situation of
Blockchain technology in the world.
We conduct a statistic analysis of the collected articles in terms of
three dimensions, which are year of publication, leading research in-
stitutes and researchers, and article classication to present a multi-
dimensional trend or conclusion. Besides, we analyse articles that are
cited over a certain number of times in detail to investigate the hot
research directions. Finally, the challenges, opportunities, and future
perspectives are discussed to summarize the main obstacles of industrial
Blockchain and identify the open research questions in the near future.
Our contributions are stated as follows: (1) Existing surveys and re-
views typically concentrate on some specic topics or elds of Block-
chain application, and most of them lack the movement and
development worldwide of Blockchain. We investigated the movement
and development worldwide to present the current situation of Block-
chain. (2) Articles on the Blockchain are analysed according to three
dimensions, namely year of publication, leading research institutes, and
researchers, to illustrate the development characteristics and trends of
Blockchain-related research with visualization statistical data. (3) The
challenges, opportunities, and future perspectives of Blockchain appli-
cation are comprehensively discussed to identify the open research is-
sues on applying Blockchain practically in the future.
The remaining parts of this paper mainly consist of the following
sections. Section 2 presents the survey method and analyses the
collected articles from three dimension. Section 3 introduces an over-
view of Blockchain technology in terms of architecture, key enabling
technologies, and representative initiatives. The industrial Blockchain
applications are presented in Section 4. Section 5 mainly summarizes the
current development and application of Blockchain worldwide,
including North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacic. Discussion about
the current challenges, opportunities, and future perspectives of Block-
chain technology in industries is provided in Section 6.
2. Statistics and Survey Analysis
2.1. Survey Method
The survey method of this article is shown in Fig. 1. Following
criteria were applied to enhance the credibility of the results.
(1) The survey was conducted based on the Web of Science database.
The core collection was selected, and the citation indexes in-
cludes SCI-E, SSCI, and CPCI-S.
(2) The key words used for the search are ‘Blockchain’ and ‘elds’. i.
e. ‘Blockchain’ AND ‘Finan* OR Fintech’; ‘Blockchain’ AND
‘Supply chain’; ‘Blockchain’ AND ‘Healthcare’; ‘Blockchain’ AND
‘Energy’; ‘Blockchain’ AND ‘Manufacturing’, and ‘Blockchain’
AND ‘Smart city’. The search scope is the ‘topic’ (the title, ab-
stract, keywords, and keywords plus were included).
(3) To ensure the credibility of the survey, only English articles that
published between 2017 and 2020 (to date) were considered.
(4) The search result was rened manually to lter out the papers
whose focus outside the six elds. Nearly 600 papers were
collected. To ensure the referable value of the collected papers,
we conducted the further ltering to select the papers whose cited
times are no less than 10. Ultimately, over 80 papers were
The collected papers were analysed in terms of three dimensions,
namely year of publication, leading research institutes and researchers,
and article classication to better understand the research trends, the
Fig. 1. Survey method.
Z. Li et al.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 70 (2021) 102124
leading institutes and researchers, and the research progress of
2.2. Dimension 1. Year of publication
The number of papers published each year reects the Blockchain
development and research status. The number increases in all six elds
in recent four years according to the statistics. Specically, the numbers
of publication in manufacturing, supply chain are presented in Fig. 2.
The number of papers in the two areas is projected to continue to grow
steadily. Besides, the total of publication in industrial blockchain (the six
elds) is also presented. It obviously saw a rapid increase during the
four-year period.
2.3. Dimension 2. Leading Research Institutes and Researchers
Analysis of the institutes and researchers involved reveal the fore-
runner and outstanding researchers of Blockchain research. By sorting
the papers published between 2017-2019 and the cited times is no less
than 10, and counting the number of times each author appears and
their institutes, the numbers of papers from each institute were ob-
tained. A total of 11 institutions published at least two papers.
As shown in Fig. 3. The largest number of papers originate from
Guangdong University of Technology, Seoul National University of
Science and Technology, and the University of Hong Kong, followed by
Shanghai University. These four institutes are the main source of
Blockchain research and are hosts to the predominant scholars in this
Since the number of papers from each institute does not consider the
situation where a paper has multiple authors belonging to different in-
stitutions, it is necessary to present a co-occurrence network diagram of
leading researchers to show their collaborations. Leading researchers on
the Blockchain can be recognized by counting the number of papers
published by different authors. By counting the number of occurrences
of each author and the number of co-occurrence of two authors among
the papers, a co-occurrence network diagram of the leading researchers
was obtained. The authors and their co-authors other than the above
four institutes are removed to simplify the network diagram.
The network diagram shows the collaborative relationships of each
author in Fig. 4. Among the researchers shown in the gure, Li, Zhi and
Huang, George Q have studied the theories and key technologies of
Blockchain in manufacturing eld. Kang, Jiawen focus on the energy
trading using Blockchain technology. Park, Jong Hyuk afliated with
Seoul National University of Science and Technology mainly studies the
application of Blockchain in smart city. Su Zhou of Shanghai University
focuses on energy transmission and energy security in the energy elds.
2.4. Dimension 3. Article Classication
In order to understand the depth of current Blockchain research, we
dene three stages, namely conceptual stage, verication stage, and
application stage for the collected papers and classify them according to
the contents. Papers that only propose a framework or an approach, or
conducts theoretical analysis will be sorted out as conceptual stage.
Those which build a mathematical model or conduct instance-based
study, or conduct a proof-of-concept, or carry out a simulation, or
develop a prototype will be categorized as verication stage. Papers that
include practical application of Blockchain or real case studies or use
cases will be identied as application stage.
As shown in Fig. 5, papers published between 2017-2019 that
belonging to different stages in six elds are counted. In the eld of
nance, supply chain, and healthcare, the theoretical research accounts
for over a half. While in the eld of energy, manufacturing, and smart
city, the verication research overweighs the theoretical research and
application research.
3. Blockchain Overview
In this section, we give an overview of Blockchain in terms of the
architecture, key enabling technologies, and representative initiatives.
3.1. Architecture
Generally, a Blockchain system consists of a data layer, a network
layer, a consensus layer, an incentive layer, a contract layer, and an
application layer [21]. The data layer encapsulates the underlying data
blocks, which includes hash values, time stamps, transaction informa-
tion, public and private keys etc. [22]. The network layer involves
peer-to-peer (P2P) networking mechanism, data broadcasting mecha-
nism, data verication mechanism, etc. Blockchain network is essen-
tially a P2P network. The resources and services in the network are
scattered on each node, and the transmission of information and the
realization of services are carried out directly between nodes without
the intervention of intermediate links or centralized servers (third
parties). Nodes synchronize information through the network layer to
jointly maintain the ledger of the entire network. The network layer
enables the Blockchain to be automatically networked [23]. The
consensus layer encapsulates the consensus algorithm and consensus
mechanism, such as PoW, POS, and DPoS, enabling distributed nodes to
effectively reach consensus on the validity of block data in a decen-
tralized blockchain network. The consensus mechanism is designed to
keep consistency among all the nodes. It determines who will submit
blocks in the Blockchain system [24]. The incentive layer combines
economic factors, mainly including the issue and distribution mecha-
nism of economic incentives. In public Blockchains, the incentive
mechanism encourages compliance with rules and participation in
bookkeeping, and to punish violation, making the entire system evolving
in a virtuous circle. In permissioned Blockchains, there is no need to
encourage nodes to compete for bookkeeping, therefore, the incentive
mechanism does not necessarily exist [25]. The contract layer mainly
encapsulates various codes, algorithms and smart contracts, which is the
basis of the programmability of the Blockchain [26]. The smart contract
Fig. 2. The number of publications in recent four years in manufacturing, supply chain, and industrial blockchain.
Z. Li et al.